YKS's late apps and fees: When will the 2025 YKS late application be started?
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YKS Eyes for late application procedures have been turned into OSym calendar. AYT, TYT and YDT sessions will be held on June 21-22 according to the issuance schedule. The process of college entrance exam has ended on March 3 this year. Those who forget to apply, those who do not send exam fees and those who decide to take the exam are waiting for the late application date. YKS's late payment fee increased by 50 %, while applications will be made through AIS.OSM.Gov.Tr. YKS will not apply late, in 2025 will be held in the university exam will miss the opportunity. So when will the late applications 2025 YKS start? Here, the date of application late and exam fee
The countdown has begun for late application procedures. Higher education organizations, also known as university exams, will take exams of universities and faculties of students who want to study education in their dreams, continue to prepare for the exam. When YKS's applications ended on March 3, the eyes were turned into a late application calendar. The measurement, selection and location center (ösym) has announced the late application date for exams applied by 2025. As in normal applications, candidates will be able to participate in the YKS sessions via the Internet. Payment for exam fees will be made from the electronic tree. So when does YKS apply late 2025? This is information about the application processYKS's late registration date in the 2025 exam schedule was also announced by OSYM. The late YKS applications can be done in the period of 11-13 March .AIS.OSMY.GOV.TR The address to the application screen through candidates, exam fees will complete their applications.In the instructions shared by OSym, the YKS exam fee was identified as 450 pounds in the regular application schedule. Candidates have paid 450 TL for each session they will participate. YKS will be paid 675 TL for each session for late application. Candidates will participate in two sessions will pay a total of 1350 TL and three sessions will pay 2,025 TL.The basic level test (TYT) will start on Saturday, June 21, 2025 at 10.15. The test will last 165 minutes. The test will last 180 minutes. The test will take 120 minutes.