Snow holidays: Friday, March 21, which schools are holidays, in which provinces? The decisions based on the province and the district will be announced
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Educational activities have been suspended due to weather conditions in many provinces across Türkiye. The Governor arrived on the last day of the week, while the eyes were converted into the last day of the week. Provinces and districts, breaking educational activities on Friday, part of the agenda of educators and students. The 33 provinces warn that the yellow coding is given, while in many provinces, snow and snow mixed with snow will be effective. A total of 17 cities on Thursday, the holiday decisions based on the province and the district were made. In case of negative weather conditions, holidays will continue. So, March 21 is a vacation or a break from school? Below is the latest information about schools
While the General Department of Meteorology was warned to many provinces, the Governor warned against adverse weather conditions of citizens. Schools are determined by the local government of the province or the district. On Thursday, Nevşehir, Yozgat, Konya, Isparta, Ordu, Sivas, Kayseri, Karsehir, Aksaray, Adana, Erzincan, Niğde, Karaman, Giresun, Samsun, Kahramanmaras and many other provinces have been created for many other areas. After the warnings made by meteorology, provinces and districts with snow holidays are curious. So, what are the holidays tomorrow or the school? This is the latest situation for educational activities on Friday, March 21The General Department of Meteorology warns many provinces and districts to snow. Cold and effective weather throughout the country, affecting transportation in some provinces, while schools are holidays on Thursday. The Governor of the province or the district or the district governor announced this decision. Our news will be updated when the statement comes from the Governor or the Governor of the district.In some areas, snow is ineffective throughout the province, while the district is based on the district. The provinces and districts have made holidays on Thursday, March 20 as follows;Erzincan (General Province) Adana: Tufanbeyli District, Saimbeyli (Transport Education) Aksaray: Eskil, Gülağaç and GüzelyurtKaysertub: Official private nurseries, kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, high schools, vocational education centers, wash educational institutionsIsparta: Şarkikarağaçkonya: Altınekin, Sarayönü, Hadim, Tashkent, Seydişehir, Derbent, Doğanhisar, Derebucak