The application of KPSS diploma was made in 2024. Candidates could not take the exam last year '' with a linked diploma in 2025? Like KPSS high school education, KPSS by link is also held every two years. When is KPSS link, is it this year?
According to the KPSS test schedule, the KPSS license will take place by 2025 on September 7-13 and September 14. The associated qualifications and high school education will not occur this year. When does the link of KPSS link, where two years of university graduated? With KPSS link is not this year, when? The KPSS link test is held every two years by OSym. Finally, the application level is linked on September 1, 2024 will be implemented in 2026. KPSS link; Link qualifications, universities or vocational schools, such as 2 -year education are the level of testing of graduates. In the KPSS link exam, questions were asked for candidates in the general cultural fields and general talents.