Women's police officers work at the Bursa Provincial Police Department, Polygon and heavy weapons in their shots, attacking targets with complete.
The Yolçatı neighborhood of Nilüfer district was established on a 220 -wide area of the English Polygon of the General Department of Security of the province, 8 thousand police officers, including a thousand women, during the intervention against events they could encounter, the right techniques to neutralize suspects in some stages of shooting training.Police to Polygon shot into outdoor polygons and played with bulletproof windows, with long pistols and weapons. During the shooting, female police caught the attention of the goals, while the police performance was also embroidered in their registration book.As a training branch director, Hatice Doan, who has worked for 2 years, attracted attention to the importance of training training and stated that training courses were conducted with experienced and certified shooting training courses and said, as the General Department of Education, we can develop the shooting capacity of the police members of the police. He said.Dogan said that the shooting polygon has created more modern and places bulletproof glass in the indoor area and says, Uz we let the shooter shoot in certain stages of the year. In our polygon, we try to make our shots in the best way with pistols and long weapons. We are also proud of the photos of our female police. In the shooting, they represent us in the best way ..In firing training courses, police, who claim that they aim to use weapons in the most effective way when necessary, saying that police officers declare weapons training is the best for police officers in the best way each year and their goals are to disable criminals in awareness of places and when to use guns.