In Steam, dozens of games launched daily, and almost unable to track all the releases to search for hidden diamonds. That is why the PC gamer portal Compilation An option of five standing games you may have missed.

That is not my neighbor
It was not my neighbors as a comedy of the guard in a replacement version of the 1950s, where the planet was attacked by the epidemic of twin plague. The mechanisms of the game are the same as articles, please: Everyone comes to players, and he needs to understand whether they are real or double. Ordinary people may not be hindered, but should open double – or withdraw money from society.

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Outside the law
Exploiting in the context of a large city, combining the best ideas of Hunt: Showdown and the movie Escape Escape from New York. The three teams consisted of three players in each person who was landed in a city arrested by criminal gangs to hunt for criminals and, sooner or later, each other. In the area, you can move on ground and water, ziplas and umbrellas, and weapons can be customized by a large arsenal of the body kits.

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Dynamics IV
IV-MMO-PESA analysis, where players must try the role of citizens of Utopian urban areas in the future. Moreover, the purpose of the game is to deliberately fade; You can play it as a regular shooter, or go to work in a factory. Everyone can affect the fate of the city, both in good and bad.

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Lingo 2
An interesting puzzle with emphasis on geometric tricks, similar to hybrid witnesses, Superliminal and Manifold Garden. Those who play the original language will open for themselves new mechanisms and puzzles, as well as the ability to dance. Do not let a simple graphics deceive yourself: it looks much better in Live Lingo 2 compared to in screenshots.

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