The apartment of a resident of Nagorny village in the territory of Kamchatka is covered with snow. It was reported by the Telegram Amur Mash channel related to video.

You can go through the door from the house, the woman said, showing the vision from the window of the first floor to the big snow. While she was entering, some snow fell into the apartment. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the past two days, snow is more than in the whole winter.
The head of the city district, Yevgeny Belyaev, announced a difficult situation on the street, which cleaned more than 100 equipment units around the clock. According to him, it has not completely failed to ensure moving along the main roads: somewhere the roads are cleaned in a race, somewhere that the passing device has been closed by the snow. Officials call for all employers to transfer employees to remote and local residents, refusing to use personal vehicles, which can complicate the work of the device to remove snow.
He expressed his belief that after a while the situation would be able to cope.