Since December 2024, a resident of Moscow cannot return the money to the shorter goods from the Blumart's donation network. Other buyers faced a similar issue – they all transferred money to the goods, but did not receive a purchase. Muscovite Marina B.

According to Muscovite, on November 10, 2024, she ordered a mirror with a backlight and a shower from the Blumart website. The store's representative contacted her through Messenger and asked for details of details, explaining that the alleged bank was beside the bank, there was no problem to do this by reference or QR code. Marina transferred 32479 rubles to the organization account. She was not provided with a cash receipt. Five days later, Marina reported the delay in delivery and proposal to replace goods, or wait a week. The dialogue is, who refused to replace and decided to wait for the paid positions.
The police laughed
A week later, the situation was repeated, only this time the employees of Blumart called at the end of December as the delivery date. This is not suitable for the girl and she asks for a refund. The representative of the network invited customers to fill in the application, promising that the money for orders will be returned within 10 working days from the date of application. However, after this time, the money did not return it. Marina once again wrote in a conversation with a store employee – as a result, she was sent to the accounting department. The screenshots of this magnetic letter are at's will.
No one answered the call about the additional quantity of the marina. This is a translation on it, there is a translation on it, then discharge. Or there was a Bundo-Gourgeon, then such a rickety silence and once again discharged from the hospital, the girl said.
Try to achieve the answer through the conversation in Messenger and by the common phone number, Muscovite all the time falls into the same manager named Dmitry, who once asked to contact the accountant. After that, independent customers found the address of the letter on the Hypermarket website, probably to work with profits. But the letter and to this address have not been answered. Therefore, the girl decided to search on the internet even if anyone else faced a similar situation and found many complaints from other customers about not being able to return. They sent everyone to the accounting department, but obviously, did not exist for a long time. And in such a situation, at least hundreds of people, Mr. Marina emphasized.
For four months, nothing, in reality, happened. Everything gets worse. On the Blumart website, the phone number is no longer active, I can't overcome it. There is a feeling that Marina B. has studied the assessments of the network in open sources and found the same Complaint For not returning money to goods that have not been delivered. Nearly 2 months have passed since the application, but the amounts that the payment made did not receive the money, one of the buyers wrote.
At the same time, evaluate daily of some EvaluateThe problem has been observed from at least 2023.
Only in 2024 at RospotreBnadzor It has come More than 100 appeals to Blumart online store. The Federal Service Department issued a legal entity more than 50 warnings, but the complaints continued, emphasized in RospotreBnadzor.
Rospotrebnadzor's office in Moscow, in response to the request from, reported that consumer documents were sent to the police. They also emphasized that the cheated buyer can apply to the Rospotrebnadzor territorial department or agencies at their residence with a statement for assistance in preparing a statement requesting the Court, where they will be provided with legal assistance.
According to the service index on arbitration issues, only by 2024, the number of complaints for Blumart amounted to about 30 million rubles. From January 1, 2025, Blumart submitted a few lawsuits with the amount of 228 million rubles, Vedomosti reported on Spark-Interfax's data. In addition, on February 14, the tax arrested Blumart accounts at banks due to the debt of 37 million rubles. sent a request to Blumart with a comment request for this situation.
Earlier, Muscovites complained to the Dixie store, so much, as they said, mice. According to residents of the House of Representatives 35 on Mosrentgen, they could not sleep due to unloading of goods. In addition, an unpleasant odor penetrates the ventilation into the apartment.