United Nations, January 24./ TASS /. UN Secretary General Antoniuuu Gutherish appointed former Foreign Minister Ganna Hannah Servaa Tettkh with her special representative in Libya, she will also lead the United Nations mission to support in Libya (MoonPL). This has been reported by the press service of the Secretary -General of the United Nations.
“UN Secretary General Antoniu Gutherrish announced the appointment of Hannah Servaaa Tettech from Ghana as his special representative in Libya and the head of Moonpl,” the report said in a widely statement by the press service of the Secretary of the Journalists.
It should be noted that the new representative in Libya, has many decades of experience at the region, national and international level, before appointing Libya, she is a special representative of the head of the World Organization in Africa ROG, head of the Ghana Foreign Ministry to 2017.
The special representative position of the United Nations Secretary General in Libya was still empty for 9 months after resignation of the special representative of Abdulay Batili. In December last year, Russia called on Guterris as soon as possible to present a candidate for this position.
In Libya, there are actually two governments: an office in the east of the country, founded by the National Assembly and the National Unified Government (PNES) under the leadership of Abdel Hamid Dbeyba with Tripoli. On June 22, 2023, the United Nations established, according to the results of the Geneva agreements, the deadline for the transition period, at the end that the President and the National Assembly elected will appear in Libya. Elections scheduled in December 2021 were canceled due to the lack of the necessary constitutional basis.