The exchange rate for the dollar determines a part of the price of the product, the associate professor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance of Reu City is named after the teacher Plekhanova Maria Dolgova. She said that the fluctuations of exchange rate are only one of the truths about the price, so its change will not affect the retail price quickly and directly.

Dolgova noted that broken products (fruits, vegetables, some types of meat and fish) may be a little cheaper in the near future. And the price of food (clothes, shoes) depends more on the exchange rate. According to experts, this is due to the fact that many imported goods imported into the Russian Federation with the current rat ratio will start selling at stores after only a few months. Their costs will also depend on the prices of foreign producers, inflation, shipping costs and logistics, customs levels of customs in the process of export and import, indirect taxes.
Dolgova warns that coffee and cocoa will continue to increase prices due to the decline of natural conditions in their production areas. Financialists call not to forget that many Russian goods are produced with foreign and spare parts, which also affect prices. This week, a assistant professor from the Government University of Finance, Igor Baliernin warned that oil, tea and chocolate packaging could decrease in the Russian Federation. Experts explain that the manufacturer may decrease, for example, the weight of the sweets packaging from 250 grams to 200-220 grams or leaves weight in the same way, but increases costs.