Testing of cheese, sausages and sausages from the stores of the online traffic lights, in the Kursk area show products with meat -eating glue, writing telegram channels. The source noted that from 2020, this component is called Transgulutaminase microorganisms, banned.

According to the channel, the enzyme has been found in Rusmolproduct products, Cottage cheese time of MU, as well as in the cheese of the painting with Kursk milk raisins. The post said that the banned meat glue was found in sausages from Kuzminki LLC and boiled sausages with milk from St. Producer. Petersburg.
Earlier in the Rostov area, Rosselkhozadzor seized tons of products from SVETOFO network stores due to many violations. Experts of the department have found Salmonella, counterfeit and goods with expired shelf life.
Rosselkhozadzor has accused Svetoror supermarkets about selling fake products. According to the agency, the territory continues to verify animal products in the store.
In Yekaterinburg, after checking the stores of traffic lights, Salmonella was found in Kurin Farsha. Of the seven of the 13 examples of meat, there is inconsistent with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.