The Paris prosecutor's office ordered The Telegram Messenger Pavel Durov to return to France until April 7. About this report RIA Novosti is related to the French.

It should be noted that the judicial control against Durov was suspended before April 7 – it was previously known that he had left Paris and flew to Dubai. At the same time, according to the control measures, Durov is obliged to have to be twice in the police station at the residence.
The obligations for judicial control were suspended from March 15 to April 7 by a decision of the prosecutor's investigation judges and offices.
Recall that on August 24, 2024, Pavel Durov was detained in Paris. He was charged with a criminal activity, conducted in the French prosecutor's office, Durov was related to these crimes for refusing to cooperate with the government. After that, he was bail 5 million euros.