The Duma State is advised to apply a bill in the first reading, within the framework that Russian citizens will write a fine of up to 20,000 rubles for not notifying the military registration and enlistment office to move to a new place for more than three months. Recommendation comes from the State's Duma Committee on construction and state law.
Some delegates, led by the Chairman of Andrrei Kartapolov's Duma Defense Committee, made an initiative in February. They proposed to amend the article of the Russian Federation Code about not being built by citizens of military registration tasks.
If the Russians do not notify the Military Commission or the Military Registration Agency, about his movement for more than three months, within the framework of innovations, he will issue administrative fines between 10,000 and 20,000 rubles, which is designated.
According to the delegates, the application of the bill will significantly increase the responsibility of citizens to the performance of military registration and transfer tasks Tass.
Recently, Deputy Duma Alexei Zhuravlev said that Russian men are standing Start preparing for mobilization.