A group of international scientists from India, Spain, the United States and other countries has discovered a spiral galaxy with huge Dadiosstra, which can bring catastrophic consequences for the galaxy. If the extreme black hole in the center of our galaxy is activated, this can lead to a series of extinction on Earth and the chaos in the solar system. The research was published in the Journal of Science announced every month of the Royal Astronomy Association (MNRAS).

Galaxy 2masx J23453268 –0449256, located within a billion light -years from the Earth, contains an extremely black hole emitting a 6 million light -year radio design. Such jet aircraft, often the characteristic of elliptical galaxies, was first discovered in a spiral galaxy, asking questions about modern theories about the evolution of galaxies.
In the center of the galaxy is a black hole of Sagittarius A* (SGR A*), still sleeping. However, if it starts to absorb material, this can cause the release of strong radiation.
According to the researchers, the consequences of this event to the Earth and the solar system will be scary. The radiation level will increase sharply, which will lead to DNA damage, mutations and destroy the ozone layer. The direct effect of jet can destroy life on our planet. A change in the environment between stars will affect stars and can break the stability of planet systems.
Despite the extreme activity of the black hole, the galaxy retains its spiral structure due to a large amount of matter, stabilizing it. This finding makes scientists revise the role of dark matter in the development of galaxies.
Scientists warn: Although the probability of activating SGR A* is small in the near future, the consequences will be disaster, if this happens.