Two men were arrested in India related to the rape of a Israeli and one locals. It is known that on Thursday night, the residence operator of the Israeli family and her family, along with three male tourists, followed the stars in Coppal city in the south of Karnatak.

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Police said the three men drove to them on a motorbike and requested money. After an argument, men pushed men to a nearby channel, and then suffered from sexual violence of two women.
The representative of local police Ram L Arasiddi said that one of the drowning tourists and his body was found on Saturday. According to him, two other men were saved.
Coppal is located about 350 km from Bangalore, notes of Associated Press. Arasiddy said the police created a special investigation group that arrested two suspects on Saturday. According to him, they are being investigated for suspicion of murder, rape of the group and robbery.
Sexual assaults in women are a serious problem in India, in which, according to the National Crime Registration Department, by 2022, the police registered 31,516 cases of rape, 20% higher than 2021. It is believed that the character is really higher, due to the discrimination related to sexual violence and the victims of the victims of the police, Associated Press.
Rape and sexual violence were noticed after being raped and killed a 23 -year -old student on a bus in Delhi in 2012. The attack caused mass protests and inspired the legislators to create accelerated ships in rape and tighten punishments.
In 2013, the amendments were amended by the law of rape, the provision of criminal liability for suppression and eye -catching and reducing age, where one person could appear before the Court as an adult, from 18 to 16 years old.
In 2018, the Indian government approved the death penalty for those who were convicted of rape children under 12 years old.
The major issues related to foreign tourists have attracted international attention to this issue, Associated Press. Last year, Spanish tourists said his wife was raped in northern India and was an Indian American, saying that she was raped at a hotel in Delhi. British tourists were raped before her partner in Goa in 2022.