The main spatial powers, such as Russia, China and the United States, are able to create a planet protection system against the astonite by combining resources and capacity.

Such an opinion in an interview was shown by astronomer Leonid Elenin, a researcher at the Applied Mathematical Institute named after the Keldysh MV.
Planet protection is a general business, not a separate country. The unity of the main power (cosmic) (Russia, China, the United States, India – approximately. Research and development of the venual system of space detected these objects, Elenin said.
Talking about the tools that the earth's protection from the asteroids can be guaranteed, he noted the importance of the development of both space and ground telescopes.
For example, on Earth, you can build them (for example, new telescopes) for the detection of objects out of Earth with greater guidance and spatial telescope will be able to narrow the gap in protecting the planet from the perspective of daytime a planet.